Quick tutorial and help


  • Use the application as a personal trip planner. Keep all your trip notes handy in one place: route, trip plan, budget, pack lists, notes, images, recorded trails and others.
  • Publish your trip and share your experience with others travellers. Easily make a preview, remove private data and publish. Edit, update or delete your published trips later.
  • Simple search for other trips in any area on the map. Find beautiful places, browse posted images or follow trails recorded and shared with you by other travellers.
  • Every page of the app has a HELP command. If something is not intuitively clear, please don't forget to consult it for more details.

Get ready for your trip

  • Create your trip with (+) button below. It will show up on You/Private page.
  • Add details: route, plan, expected budget, things to do before trip (for example: to buy a travel insurance or leave your place key to your neighbor so she can water your flowers or feed fishes).
  • Add your pack lists: for yourself, your kids or a pet.
  • Save your pack lists and reuse them on your next adventures.
  • Add important notes on More page.

During your trip

  • Describe your experience by adding notes or images on the Blog page.
  • Add your actual expenses on the Budget/Actual page. Compare them with what you planned initially.
  • Found a beautiful place? Pin the location on the map and save. Have pictures? Add them.
  • Going hiking? Record your route. Have pictures? Add them to your trail too!

Share your trip experience

  • Select Preview & publish command from the top menu and make a preview of your trip before publishing it.
  • All your previews or already published trips will show up on the You/Public page.
  • The preview or public trip doesn't include your private data like plan, things to do before trip, pack lists, etc. Please make sure you delete all your private data you don't plan to share before publishing it.
  • Select Publish trip command and it will become visible to the other travellers.
  • After the trip is published you always can delete, update or edit it.

Search trips published by other travellers

  • On the 'Community/Search' page adjust your search criteria: set a center point and radius of the area of your interest. You will find all published trips to this world region.
  • Interested only in beautiful places or recorded trails in this area? You can find them by tapping buttons on the right of the search bar.
  • If you plan to return to the found trip later - save it to your 'Community/Bookmarks' page. Just open the trip of your interest and tap the star icon on the top right corner.
  • If you find an inappropriate or offensive content published by others, please report it using Report command from the main menu (top right corner) of the trip.

User interface

  • The main page of the application is divided into 2 sections: You and Community.
  • You:
    ☀ Private: all your private trips available only on this device;
    ☀ Public: the trips you are planning to publish (marked Preview) or the trips you have already published.
  • Community:
    ☀ Search: search trips published by other travellers;
    ☀ Bookmarks: your bookmarks of public trips.


  • We hope the app will be useful for you to organize your personal trips or to find new travel destinations shared with us by other travellers.
  • The app shows ads. If you have a free moment, please tap it to support developers.
  • If you find a bug, the app interface is not intuitively clear or you have an idea on how to improve, please submit your quick note under ☰/Support
  • New features are coming!

Trip overview

  • This page shows a general overview of the trip.
  • You can add more details by editing the trip title, trip type (like vacation or activity), your team, budget currency and others. These notes can be helpful for your future references or for other travellers if you wish to share your experience in the future.
  • From the menu on the top of the page (⋮) you can change trip's banner, preview & publish or delete your trip. There is also a button which opens a whole trip map with all route points, places and recorded trails.
  • When deleting your trip, all the media files attached to this trip will not be deleted and remain on your device.
  • You can not edit, update or delete published trips which don't belong to you.
  • To edit your published trips please go to You/Public.

Publishing your trip

  • On the top menu of your private trip from You/Private, select Preview & publish command to make a preview of your trip before publishing. It will create a copy of the original trip under You/Public. Now you can edit both copies of the trip independently.
  • Once all private data are removed and you are satisfied with the content of the trip, use Sync trip command to publish it.
  • In order to deserve public attention, your trip has to contain a minimum required content. See next paragraph for details.
  • If the trip and all it's dependencies (images, recorded trails, etc.) are published successfully, you are free to update it again and publish the changes.
  • After you updated the local version of the trip, it will be marked as Updated.
  • If the trip was updated from other device, the app will show you a warning. To continue updating the trip from your device, the local version of trip must be synchronized. Please confirm this action in the dialog and app will pull all remote changes.
  • You can delete your trip using command from the top menu. The trip will become Suspended and publicly invisible for a week. Then it will be deleted. Meanwhile you can return and resurrect it.
  • If the public version of the trip was deleted from other device, it will be marked Deleted.

Minimum required content to publish your trip

  • In order to deserve public attention, your trip must contain a minimum required content:
    ☀ Trip route: has at least 2 points and one of them is marked as a final destination. The final point in your route is necessary to make the trip searchable.
    ☀ Images : trip has at least 2 attached images. They can be attached to trip Blog, Places or Trails. Make sure all images exist before you publish your trip.
  • Each Place in your trip requires at least 1 attached image. Probably nobody will be interested to see a point on the map without a real view. If it doesn't have one, then it will not be published.
  • Each recorded Trail in your trip has to be at least 400 meters long. If the trail's distance is shorter, then it will not be published.

  • Your route can consist of many points: start, intermediate or finish.
  • Add points to your route with (+) button. Sort them in visiting sequence by dragging () holder.
  • The direct distance between points will be automatically calculated. It gives you approximate estimation of your trip distance. Since we usually don't travel using straight routes, the actual travel distance probably will be longer.
  • Tap the point to open details page.
  • It's important to mark a point from your trip as final destination. It's pivot point, the goal of your trip. It doesn't have to be the last one in your trip. The final point is used in search of published trips.

  • Find a point you plan to visit on the map. Find or type it's address or just name it.
  • IMPORTANT: please mark one point in your trip as final destination. Only one point in your trip can be a final one. It's pivot point, the goal of your trip. It doesn't have to be the last one in your trip. The final point is used in search of published trips.
  • Add point's details like arrival or departure dates, transport or text notes.

  • Make a list of things you plan to do during the trip: visit local market, taste delicious authentic food or see the ruins of the old town.
  • Sort your plan items in the priority order by holding and moving () holder.
  • Tap the item to open details page.

  • Add note what you exactly plan to do, set date and time, place or add pictures.

  • The notes you added here will also be published with your trip if you wish to share it later. But you will be able to edit them before publishing or after.

  • Use toolbar buttons to clear (X), reload (⟳), move up (˄)/down (˅) or save (💾) the text.

  • Use PLANNED and ACTUAL pages to record the expenses you planned or actually spent accordingly.
  • Add expenses and group them by types like tickets, hotel, food, etc.
  • The budget currency and average USD rate during your trip is set on the main trip page.
  • Tap the item to open details page.
  • Use arrow button in the top right corner to expand or collapse expenses groups.

  • Set amount, group and other details of this expense.
  • The budget currency and average USD rate during your trip is set on the main trip page.

  • Sometimes, especially when you have a limited budget, it's helpful to see if your actual expenses correspond to your expectations. The bar diagram shows comparison of what you planned to what you spent, split by groups.

  • Add things you have to do before your trip like to buy a travel insurance or leave your place key to your neighbor so she can water your flowers or feed fishes.
  • Sort them in the priority order by holding and moving a () holder.
  • Tap to open the item details page.
  • Use a checkmark or arrow button to mark the item completed or not.
  • The number of uncompleted items from this list with a number of unpacked things from PACK LIST will be shown as red number indicator below.

  • Describe what you need to do, mark the item finished or not, add date and time if necessary.

  • Add new or load saved pack lists for yourself, your kids or maybe pet.
  • The number of all unpacked items from your pack lists with a number of uncompleted preparation list from TO DO BEFORE will be shown as red number indicator below.

  • Add items to yor pack list with (+) button below.
  • Tap to open the item details page where you can write description and group it to predefined category like wear, electronics, food, etc.
  • Use a checkmark or arrow button to mark the item packed or not.
  • Use arrow button in the top right corner to expand or collapse the items groups.
  • From the top menu you can edit the name of the pack list, save it for future trips, merge with saved pack lists or delete.
  • Please note that the name of the saved pack list must be unique.

  • Add note what you plan to take with you, set quantity and mark if it's already packed or not.

  • Add text notes or images when you travel. Use (+) button below.
  • Tap the image to open full screen view.
  • Tap the text note to open text editor.
  • Tap the (⋮) in the top right corner of the text or image to open details page.

  • Edit or delete this text note.
  • Add extra information like date/time or place of this event.

  • Here you can delete the image from your travel blog. The image is not deleted from your device.
  • Add extra information like date/time or associate this image with a PLACE.

  • If you found a beautiful place where sunset is great or just a place you would come back to in the future again, please pin it and save here. Use (+) button.
  • Tap the place to open details page.

  • Name this place, find exact location and address on the map.
  • Associate pictures with this place. If your picture was saved with geolocation data of the place where it was made and it doesn't correspond to this place, the app shows a warning. But it doesn't prevent you to attach the image though.

  • Are you going to hit the trail or just need to record your route to find a way back? Open recording page with (+) button.
  • Tap the recorded trail in the list to open details page.

  • Give a prominent name to your trail.
  • The start point is supposed to be resolved by the app. If not or it's not correct, please edit it.
  • Tap a snaphot of the trail to draw it on the map.
  • You can also attach pictures to your trail here.

  • Here you can view or delete the image from your trip. The image is not deleted from your device.
  • Edit it's description using Pencil button on the bottom right corner.

  • To start recording your trail press a big button on the bottom toolbar.
  • You can pause and resume recording by pressing the same big button below. The indicator in the top left corner of the map will show you the PAUSED or RECORDING status.
  • During recording you can switch to other applications or turn off your device's screen. The recording will continue in the background. You can return to the recording map by resuming the app or by pressing SHOW ON THE MAP button of the green notification. The notification will posted in the top system notification bar.
  • To stop and save recording press a square button on the bottom toolbar.
  • You can delete the recording from the list of all your recorded trails on the TRAILS page.
  • You can switch between maps types or set to keep screen on while recording from menu.
  • Remember that keeping screen on can drain your device's battery fast. If you need it on, consider to reduce brightness of the screen.
  • A button will open a quick view with start time, start address and distance made so far.
  • The trail recording functionality requires accessing your device location permission. If it's not allowed, this functionality will be off.

  • Manage and reuse pack lists for your current and future trips.
  • The pack lists created and saved for reuse on the trip page will show up here too.

  • If you need support with your trips, found a bug, the app interface is not intuitively clear or you have an idea on how to improve, please submit your quick note here with (+) button.
  • Please provide as much details as possible.
  • To prevent spam, the user is limited in the number of posted issues. It also requires an authenticated user.
  • The posted issue is not public. It's visible only by you and support team.
  • If the issue you posted requires further communication, support team will contact you on the email associated with your account.

  • Use button on the top left corner of the map or just pull the sliding panel from the left side to open a list of route points, places and recorded trails belonging to the trip.
  • Tapping an item from the list will move and focus map on the corresponding location.
  • Use arrow buttons on the bottom toolbar to move from one route point to the next one.

  • To rate public trips, place or trails you need to be authenticated.
  • You can not rate your own content.
  • You can also update or remove your rating later.
  • Text comments will be supported in the next version.

  • Long tap on the map to select or change the point location.
  • Tap marker and it's bubble note to update point's address. In the opened dialog you can Resolve address or edit it.
  • If you just selected or updated the point, use the button to save it.
  • Tap a button in the top right corner to focus map on your location.
  • Use commands on bottom toolbar to switch between map types, search an address location or return to current point.

  • Tap the button in the top right corner to focus map on your location.
  • Use commands on the bottom toolbar to switch between map types.

  • To be able to publish your trips to the community, please login or create an account.
  • After your account has been created, please check and verify your email address by clicking the link you received in the verification message.
  • If you didn't receive the verification message you can resend it by tapping the corresponding button.
  • If you misspelled your email address, please delete the unverified account and sign in again with correct email address.

  • This is your profile page. Here you can update your banner, profile picture and display name.
  • Updating the email address bound to your account will be supported later.
  • You can use several accounts on the same device. Sign out and and sign in with other credentials.
  • Use Delete command from the top menu to delete your account. Your account and posted trips will be frozen for a week or so, then it all will be deleted. Meanwhile you can return and recreate it.

  • For your convenience, attach files to your private trip so that you don't have to search the device again and again to find the important files.
  • You can attach and view images, text, gpx or PDF files.
  • When removing the file from your trip, it will not be deleted from your device and you will find it where it was.
  • If you want to publish your trip, the attached files will NOT be included in the public version of your trip.

  • Use button on the top left corner of the map or just pull the sliding panel from the left side to open a list of routes, waypoints and tracks.
  • Tapping an item from the list will move and focus the map on the corresponding location or track.
  • Use arrow buttons on the bottom toolbar to move from one point to the next one.
  • Tap the balloon box over a selected marker to show more details about location.
  • Tap the icon on the sliding panel to show more details about gpx file.