Self-service. You pay only for a number of times your ad is loaded on users' devices.
You can advertise a website or your trip that you have already published. (Please read notes at the bottom about what ad features we don't support at this moment.)
Go to "Settings" (button at the top left corner of the main window), then "Advertise" -> "My ads". This is your ads management console.
Before starting advertising, please add your payment method for easy payments processing.
Your payment method details (payment and billing information, such as billing address, payment card details, and authentication features) are stored and managed by our third party payments processor (Stripe, Inc. or
“Stripe”). That information is collected by Stripe directly, and we do not collect or store it. If you have questions about how Stripe protects such information, please read Stripe’s
services agreement
privacy policy.
Once your payment method is added, you can create a new ad by pressing the
You can easily delete your payment method. To do so, please make sure you don't have any active posted ads and all ads under
are paid.
Check if it looks good in the preview window. Make sure that tapping the ad opens the right web address or the trip.
If you advertise your trip, the banner and title will match the ones from your trip. They are not editable.
You will see an offered
views rate
(the amount we charge for each time your ad is loaded on users device).